I Rogaine Parc de Collserolads. 09/04/2011 23:28
ParcialesCreado por OEScore2003 © Stephan Krämer 2008

    Pos   Dorsal Nombre                                                         Club                                              Pts           Tiempo        Penal  Extra    Sc Tot 

Dones Sènior  (8)                      360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      830 Sanjuan Isabel / Bataller Vanessa                              Peña Guara y Bichopalo                             86          5:50:14                            86 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    72(7)        F 
                 25:55    42:23    58:47  1:09:08  1:23:23  1:37:58  1:50:25  2:09:39  3:08:15  3:49:37  4:12:46  4:31:48  4:55:00  5:22:56     0.00  5:50:14 
                 25:55    16:28    16:24    10:21    14:15    14:35    12:27    19:14    58:36    41:22    23:09    19:02    23:12    27:56             27:18 
      2      645 Oller Jordina / Busquet Sílvia / Navarro Sònia                 Les Calafines Ballarines                           82          5:56:08                            82 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    52(5)    53(5)    43(4)    31(3)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F          
                 23:39    36:16    42:49  1:19:27  1:35:03  1:56:05  2:17:14  2:57:56  3:44:28  4:26:24  4:42:23  5:00:04  5:23:08     0.00  5:56:08          
                 23:39    12:37     6:33    36:38    15:36    21:02    21:09    40:42    46:32    41:56    15:59    17:41    23:04             33:00          
      3      793 Planellas Coralí / Laso Elena                                  Patiment                                           52          5:50:29                            52 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    32(3)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 39:13  1:02:57  1:32:17  1:50:24  2:08:21  2:42:46  3:21:11  3:47:43     0.00  5:50:29                                                       
                 39:13    23:44    29:20    18:07    17:57    34:25    38:25    26:32           2:02:46                                                       
      4      649 Graell Montse / Rabassa Sandra                                 Lludrigues                                         50          6:00:31           -5               45 
                 67(6)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    72(7)        F                                                                         
                 32:49  2:26:49  2:51:36  3:06:51  3:44:51  5:03:31     0.00  6:00:31                                                                         
                 32:49  1:54:00    24:47    15:15    38:00  1:18:40             57:00                                                                         
      5      766 Martínez Gemma / Salem Maysa                                   salem & CO                                         38          5:37:43                            38 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                                                         
               1:03:50  1:46:41  2:37:56  3:33:53  4:35:20  5:07:30     0.00  5:37:43                                                                         
               1:03:50    42:51    51:15    55:57  1:01:27    32:10             30:13                                                                         
      6      612 Dalmau Georgina / Artigas Judith                               Go Oju Peligru                                     45          6:09:06          -10               35 
                 33(3)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)    43(4)    54(5)    31(3)    92(9)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 30:13  1:22:01  1:43:58  2:45:52  3:39:11  4:27:26  4:46:20  5:03:20     0.00  6:09:06                                                       
                 30:13    51:48    21:57  1:01:54    53:19    48:15    18:54    17:00           1:05:46                                                       
      7      629 Mata Judit / Delgado Lolo                                      Sakura                                             73          6:20:12          -40               33 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F                                     
                 24:05    43:32    57:35  1:43:00  2:00:06  2:15:54  2:39:47  3:25:03  5:31:52  5:56:02     0.00  6:20:12                                     
                 24:05    19:27    14:03    45:25    17:06    15:48    23:53    45:16  2:06:49    24:10             24:10                                     
      8      696 Plana Sònica / Arderiu Imma / Collell Maria                    les sarronenques                                   36                                              0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)        F                                                                         
                 57:42  1:35:53  2:13:14  2:42:35  3:22:37  4:25:13  4:40:59                                                                                  
                 57:42    38:11    37:21    29:21    40:02  1:02:36    15:46                                                                                  

Homes Sènior  (37)                     360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      838 Tarrés David / Rodriguez F.Xavier                              Peña Guara - Hoko                                 127          5:58:33                           127 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    33(3)    67(6)    56(5) 
                 19:12    34:42    47:57    56:40  1:17:24  1:32:02  1:46:14  2:09:48  2:31:58  2:42:12  2:59:50  3:14:31  3:33:04  3:59:18  4:11:15  4:18:47 
                 19:12    15:30    13:15     8:43    20:44    14:38    14:12    23:34    22:10    10:14    17:38    14:41    18:33    26:14    11:57     7:32 
                 71(7)    93(9)    64(6)    52(5)    72(7)        F                                                                                           
               4:46:43  4:57:36  5:11:30  5:36:48     0.00  5:58:33                                                                                           
                 27:56    10:53    13:54    25:18             21:45                                                                                           
      2      623 Mayolas Pep / Massagué Sebas                                   Bertafocs                                         131          6:03:34           -5              126 
                 63(6)    92(9)    54(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    71(7)    64(6) 
                 16:12    31:18    48:32  1:11:44  1:27:32  1:44:24  2:05:41  2:32:54  2:43:41  2:56:38  3:15:03  3:26:46  3:42:19  4:07:51  4:22:39  4:36:28 
                 16:12    15:06    17:14    23:12    15:48    16:52    21:17    27:13    10:47    12:57    18:25    11:43    15:33    25:32    14:48    13:49 
                 73(7)    93(9)    56(5)    67(6)    72(7)        F               *44                                                                         
               4:48:37  5:09:27  5:40:45  5:48:25     0.00  6:03:34           2:43:48                                                                         
                 12:09    20:50    31:18     7:40             15:09                                                                                           
      3      839 Guiu Xavi / Viles Lleí                                         Viles Guiu Team                                   119          5:54:53                           119 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4) 
                 20:20    35:38    50:02    58:31  1:18:38  1:29:49  1:45:19  2:00:41  2:24:48  2:52:47  3:04:36  3:27:22  3:44:38  4:08:10  4:34:01  4:44:37 
                 20:20    15:18    14:24     8:29    20:07    11:11    15:30    15:22    24:07    27:59    11:49    22:46    17:16    23:32    25:51    10:36 
                 71(7)    56(5)    67(6)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                                                                           
               5:01:01  5:24:11  5:31:23  5:45:22     0.00  5:54:53                                                                                           
                 16:24    23:10     7:12    13:59              9:31                                                                                           
      4      711 Artigas Ivan / Soler Jaume                                     yaencontre.com-haglöfs                            115          5:47:31                           115 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    71(7) 
                 21:46    35:40    49:59    59:05  1:10:22  1:23:55  1:35:30  1:51:12  2:07:21  2:51:19  3:18:28  3:35:00  3:51:40  4:11:09  4:41:28  4:54:02 
                 21:46    13:54    14:19     9:06    11:17    13:33    11:35    15:42    16:09    43:58    27:09    16:32    16:40    19:29    30:19    12:34 
                 56(5)    67(6)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                                                                                    
               5:14:23  5:22:48  5:36:18     0.00  5:47:31                                                                                                    
                 20:21     8:25    13:30             11:13                                                                                                    
      5      691 Daví Daniel / Dañoibeitia Jesús                                Nomorientu                                        104          5:46:05                           104 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    32(3)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4) 
                 24:42    40:11    58:23  1:08:48  1:21:29  1:36:54  1:56:55  2:14:16  2:34:53  2:55:45  3:30:07  3:52:31  4:11:49  4:38:55  5:03:21  5:12:16 
                 24:42    15:29    18:12    10:25    12:41    15:25    20:01    17:21    20:37    20:52    34:22    22:24    19:18    27:06    24:26     8:55 
                 67(6)    72(7)        F               *67                                                                                                    
               5:31:05     0.00  5:46:05           5:31:06                                                                                                    
                 18:49             15:00                                                                                                                      
      6      808 Canal Esteve / Batlle Jordi / Barcons Joan                     ElSarró.cat 2                                     104          5:50:06                           104 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4) 
                 25:41    42:10    58:42  1:09:00  1:21:02  1:31:46  1:43:32  2:02:50  2:19:51  2:55:06  3:39:33  3:51:21  4:08:47  4:34:38  5:00:09  5:09:24 
                 25:41    16:29    16:32    10:18    12:02    10:44    11:46    19:18    17:01    35:15    44:27    11:48    17:26    25:51    25:31     9:15 
                 67(6)    72(7)        F                                                                                                                      
               5:30:30     0.00  5:50:06                                                                                                                      
                 21:06             19:36                                                                                                                      
      7      854 Castillo David / Castillo Oriol                                Elements-O                                        109          6:03:10           -5              104 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    94(9)    85(8)    34(3)    51(5)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    92(9)    63(6) 
                 17:33    22:28    56:57  1:07:44  1:22:35  1:39:29  2:01:25  2:46:31  2:56:44  3:20:03  3:35:24  4:10:38  4:29:00  5:03:47  5:32:09  5:48:08 
                 17:33     4:55    34:29    10:47    14:51    16:54    21:56    45:06    10:13    23:19    15:21    35:14    18:22    34:47    28:22    15:59 
                 72(7)        F                                                                                                                               
                  0.00  6:03:10                                                                                                                               
      8      616 Maldonado Gabriel / Kayman                                     Nen-dite                                          104          6:03:42           -5               99 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4) 
                 20:08    38:45    52:49  1:06:47  1:18:41  1:32:02  1:43:19  1:59:35  2:16:43  2:52:58  3:38:52  3:51:55  4:12:57  4:54:27  5:21:42  5:29:23 
                 20:08    18:37    14:04    13:58    11:54    13:21    11:17    16:16    17:08    36:15    45:54    13:03    21:02    41:30    27:15     7:41 
                 67(6)    72(7)        F                                                                                                                      
               5:48:44     0.00  6:03:42                                                                                                                      
                 19:21             14:58                                                                                                                      
      9      610 Morer Lluís / Cabot Pau                                        MTV - Mal Te Veo                                   92          5:58:47                            92 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    33(3)    72(7) 
                 25:03    42:35    59:08  1:09:02  1:21:41  1:32:48  1:44:33  2:03:02  2:20:25  3:14:41  4:03:53  4:34:14  4:53:30  5:18:34  5:48:14     0.00 
                 25:03    17:32    16:33     9:54    12:39    11:07    11:45    18:29    17:23    54:16    49:12    30:21    19:16    25:04    29:40          
     10      607 Calvó Andreu / Broceño Ferran                                  Editorial Alpina                                   96          6:00:27           -5               91 
                 33(3)    48(4)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    51(5)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7) 
                 12:27    22:50    43:15    50:42  1:18:25  1:32:19  1:42:30  1:59:49  2:25:57  3:22:37  3:45:33  4:07:00  4:37:56  5:14:56  5:34:42     0.00 
                 12:27    10:23    20:25     7:27    27:43    13:54    10:11    17:19    26:08    56:40    22:56    21:27    30:56    37:00    19:46          
     11      850 Rovira Bernat / Castells Rafel                                 Bernat-Rafel                                       89          5:51:41                            89 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F 
                 22:19    41:01  1:01:39  1:12:17  1:28:57  1:43:02  2:04:04  2:28:40  3:09:08  3:49:25  4:10:41  4:32:28  5:01:47  5:39:55     0.00  5:51:41 
                 22:19    18:42    20:38    10:38    16:40    14:05    21:02    24:36    40:28    40:17    21:16    21:47    29:19    38:08             11:46 
     12      631 Belaskoain Ricard / Segui Ignasi                               Azimut Xterra                                      94          6:00:28           -5               89 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    72(7) 
                 23:19    37:06    52:34  1:02:24  1:20:49  1:31:43  1:43:06  2:00:34  2:21:39  2:57:41  3:56:17  4:15:15  4:34:03  5:00:22  5:35:38     0.00 
                 23:19    13:47    15:28     9:50    18:25    10:54    11:23    17:28    21:05    36:02    58:36    18:58    18:48    26:19    35:16          
                     F               *31                                                                                                                      
               6:00:28             52:45                                                                                                                      
     13      845 Ceres Boris / Alonso Lluís                                     by the curriol                                     87          5:52:56                            87 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F          
                 19:47    32:28    44:34  1:22:28  1:36:53  1:47:15  2:05:16  2:35:53  3:46:13  3:57:46  4:33:35  5:13:26  5:30:20     0.00  5:52:56          
                 19:47    12:41    12:06    37:54    14:25    10:22    18:01    30:37  1:10:20    11:33    35:49    39:51    16:54             22:36          
     14      694 Cabarroca Jordi / Borras Oriol                                 Club Alpí Palamós                                  85          5:55:16                            85 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    42(4)    94(9)    85(8)    34(3)    51(5)    64(6)    52(5)    48(4)    72(7)        F          
                 21:43    50:52  1:24:57  1:37:19  1:47:30  2:28:04  3:04:36  3:13:48  3:35:06  3:48:26  4:16:46  4:55:14  5:09:49     0.00  5:55:16          
                 21:43    29:09    34:05    12:22    10:11    40:34    36:32     9:12    21:18    13:20    28:20    38:28    14:35             45:27          
     15      728 Sala Salvador / Alvarruiz Andreu                               Dijkstra-O                                         95          6:08:07          -10               85 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    72(7) 
                 21:28    41:11  1:00:12  1:10:22  1:37:48  1:57:26  2:18:36  3:02:26  3:32:36  3:47:08  4:15:08  4:32:24  4:57:49  5:32:54  5:41:05     0.00 
                 21:28    19:43    19:01    10:10    27:26    19:38    21:10    43:50    30:10    14:32    28:00    17:16    25:25    35:05     8:11          
     16      647 Fernandez Josep Ramon / Hita Jesús                             Komando Cerveza                                    83          5:50:58                            83 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    31(3)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F                   
                 29:14    41:44  1:14:36  1:31:03  1:45:53  2:07:10  2:44:04  3:15:14  4:02:35  4:31:51  4:47:14  5:09:22     0.00  5:50:58                   
                 29:14    12:30    32:52    16:27    14:50    21:17    36:54    31:10    47:21    29:16    15:23    22:08             41:36                   
     17      757 Reyes Joan / Reyes Miquel                                      BikeCalaf                                          80          5:46:34                            80 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    48(4)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    85(8)    94(9)    52(5)    72(7)        F                   
                 17:30    28:03    35:04    54:06  1:23:26  1:33:29  1:42:43  2:00:28  2:26:53  3:02:03  3:10:04  5:14:30     0.00  5:46:34                   
                 17:30    10:33     7:01    19:02    29:20    10:03     9:14    17:45    26:25    35:10     8:01  2:04:26             32:04                   
     18      786 Julià Xavier / Gelabert Aleix                                  Xixonets                                           76          4:21:12                            76 
                 56(5)    67(6)    33(3)    48(4)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    51(5)    82(8)    52(5)    72(7)        F                   
                 21:12    28:17    40:59    54:23  1:11:23  1:22:24  1:32:11  1:50:29  2:17:13  2:32:17  3:00:19  3:32:55     0.00  4:21:12                   
                 21:12     7:05    12:42    13:24    17:00    11:01     9:47    18:18    26:44    15:04    28:02    32:36             48:17                   
     19      716 Martínez Gerardo / Illas Ferran                                Goxillas                                           80          6:01:05           -5               75 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    94(9)    85(8)    34(3)    51(5)    82(8)    72(7)        F                   
                 17:04    28:22    38:22  1:18:42  1:32:59  1:55:02  2:26:48  3:10:23  3:24:45  4:02:46  4:38:25  5:13:17     0.00  6:01:05                   
                 17:04    11:18    10:00    40:20    14:17    22:03    31:46    43:35    14:22    38:01    35:39    34:52             47:48                   
     20      860 Vinyals Daniel / Hurtado Carles                                30 passes                                          72          5:58:55                            72 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    43(4)    72(7)        F                            
                 31:02    53:41  1:17:51  1:33:23  1:52:30  2:09:39  2:27:38  2:54:38  3:15:55  3:56:21  5:08:41     0.00  5:58:55                            
                 31:02    22:39    24:10    15:32    19:07    17:09    17:59    27:00    21:17    40:26  1:12:20             50:14                            
     21      637 Bragulat Albert / Barange Carles                               Mai Por                                            71          5:58:45                            71 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    43(4)    81(8)    44(4)    55(5)    74(7)    91(9)    32(3)    62(6)    72(7)        F                            
                 29:41    51:42  1:09:05  1:19:30  1:30:39  1:42:36  2:06:37  2:30:11  3:11:17  3:35:29  4:03:57     0.00  5:58:45                            
                 29:41    22:01    17:23    10:25    11:09    11:57    24:01    23:34    41:06    24:12    28:28           1:54:48                            
     22      672 Moya Ignasi - Iza / Puig Ricard                                Equip Actimel                                      68          5:29:45                            68 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    72(7)        F                                     
                 17:39    28:30    34:18  1:14:42  1:30:07  1:42:37  2:04:20  2:44:44  3:25:41  4:14:31     0.00  5:29:45                                     
                 17:39    10:51     5:48    40:24    15:25    12:30    21:43    40:24    40:57    48:50           1:15:14                                     
     23      688 Colomer Txema / López Pedro / Pérez Iñaki                      CAR                                                68          5:51:38                            68 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    72(7)        F                                     
                 22:30    39:01    56:00  1:07:08  1:21:36  1:36:38  1:50:11  2:08:30  2:29:44  4:16:19     0.00  5:51:38                                     
                 22:30    16:31    16:59    11:08    14:28    15:02    13:33    18:19    21:14  1:46:35           1:35:19                                     
     24      605 Panadès Joan Albert / Samper Antoni                            Abril's Team                                       67          5:56:51                            67 
                 33(3)    48(4)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    72(7)        F                                     
                 40:12  1:09:08  2:11:12  2:21:08  3:04:57  3:21:33  3:42:42  4:08:28  4:40:57  5:26:36     0.00  5:56:51                                     
                 40:12    28:56  1:02:04     9:56    43:49    16:36    21:09    25:46    32:29    45:39             30:15                                     
     25      655 Sala Carles / Salvador Carles                                  Elscarles                                          65          5:50:22                            65 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    72(7)        F                                              
                 27:28    51:33  1:12:18  1:28:44  1:47:36  2:09:21  2:49:04  3:12:16  3:51:29     0.00  5:50:22                                              
                 27:28    24:05    20:45    16:26    18:52    21:45    39:43    23:12    39:13           1:58:53                                              
     26      699 Brunet Javier / Daza Franc / Sanchez Carlos                    AcadaLocoConSuTema                                 60          5:47:56                            60 
                 67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    71(7)    52(5)    53(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                              
                 35:56    45:48  1:46:22  2:06:34  2:36:40  3:04:48  3:37:33  4:37:43  5:27:16     0.00  5:47:56                                              
                 35:56     9:52  1:00:34    20:12    30:06    28:08    32:45  1:00:10    49:33             20:40                                              
     27      660 Garcia José Luís / Redondo Juan Antonio / Cañero David         Babal                                              58          5:46:28                            58 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 29:54    44:08    58:08  1:43:14  2:02:42  2:17:48  2:40:30  3:19:25     0.00  5:46:28                                                       
                 29:54    14:14    14:00    45:06    19:28    15:06    22:42    38:55           2:27:03                                                       
     28      745 Teixidó David / Folguera Jaume                                 Raff.me Team                                       53          5:05:13                            53 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    91(9)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 21:35    35:50    48:35    57:45  1:10:19  1:28:28  1:39:19  1:56:54     0.00  5:05:13                                                       
                 21:35    14:15    12:45     9:10    12:34    18:09    10:51    17:35           3:08:19                                                       
     29      639 Sabaté Joan / Urdi Ivan                                        Cerdanyola C. H. - 2                               50          5:16:51                            50 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    91(9)    72(7)        F                                                                
                 29:56    52:55  1:12:10  1:24:41  1:40:25  1:58:02  2:28:50     0.00  5:16:51                                                                
                 29:56    22:59    19:15    12:31    15:44    17:37    30:48           2:48:01                                                                
     30      666 Miquel Enric / Santiago Raul                                   Asra-boys                                          48          5:41:43                            48 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    64(6)    52(5)    72(7)        F               *67                                              
                 35:30  1:05:15  1:21:12  2:27:09  2:52:57  3:29:02  4:32:14     0.00  5:41:43           1:05:15                                              
                 35:30    29:45    15:57  1:05:57    25:48    36:05  1:03:12           1:09:29                                                                
     31      682 Duch Eric / Montes Guillem                                     Depredador                                         41          5:52:59                            41 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    72(7)        F                                                                                  
                 28:53    34:30  1:31:51  2:08:11  2:39:29     0.00  5:52:59                                                                                  
                 28:53     5:37    57:21    36:20    31:18           3:13:30                                                                                  
     32      726 Calaf Marc / Boixareu Josep Priol                              Llastarris                                         80          6:22:29          -40               40 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    81(8)    43(4)    72(7)        F                   
                 25:07    43:18  1:00:18  1:13:50  1:28:23  1:40:05  1:54:06  2:23:16  2:42:51  3:55:45  5:09:12  5:28:35     0.00  6:22:29                   
                 25:07    18:11    17:00    13:32    14:33    11:42    14:01    29:10    19:35  1:12:54  1:13:27    19:23             53:54                   
     33      706 Prat Iker / Asensio Carles / Pujol Santie                      Operació Bikini                                    36          5:46:23                            36 
                 67(6)    71(7)    52(5)    53(5)    63(6)    72(7)        F                                                                                  
                 35:08  2:43:44  3:06:45  4:07:49  4:52:05     0.00  5:46:23                                                                                  
                 35:08  2:08:36    23:01  1:01:04    44:16             54:18                                                                                  
     34      784 Vall Adrià / Ballesta Ferran                                   CEM el Papiol                                      74          6:33:44          -74                0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    55(5)    44(4)    43(4)    53(5)        F                   
                 20:40    36:38    53:04  1:02:37  1:28:15  1:43:44  2:03:35  2:25:43  4:12:08  4:43:17  4:57:15  5:28:44  5:49:47  6:33:44                   
                 20:40    15:58    16:26     9:33    25:38    15:29    19:51    22:08  1:46:25    31:09    13:58    31:29    21:03    43:57                   
     35      657 Castro Rafa / Lecea Alex / Pérez Alex                          Soplao dream                                       54          6:49:35          -54                0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)        F                                                       
                 22:08    46:16  1:06:54  1:21:18  1:40:47  2:01:35  2:23:59  2:55:10  3:21:10  6:49:35                                                       
                 22:08    24:08    20:38    14:24    19:29    20:48    22:24    31:11    26:00  3:28:25                                                       
     36      810 Dachs Albert / Veleda David / Biedma David                     No sabem si arribarem                              52                                              0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    74(7)    91(9)    44(4)    43(4)        F                                                       
                 31:54    57:55  1:20:50  1:37:27  2:00:46  2:29:19  3:33:03  4:50:31  5:38:16                                                                
                 31:54    26:01    22:55    16:37    23:19    28:33  1:03:44  1:17:28    47:45                                                                

     nc      834 Oriol Alex                                                     Lost Team                                          64          5:55:25                            64 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    51(5)    52(5)    72(7)        F                                     
                 18:41    30:53    52:42  1:29:57  1:45:17  1:56:00  2:25:39  3:30:46  4:20:44  5:24:49     0.00  5:55:25                                     
                 18:41    12:12    21:49    37:15    15:20    10:43    29:39  1:05:07    49:58  1:04:05             30:36                                     

Mixte sènior  (35)                     360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      791 Roca Oriol / Díaz Mireia                                       Koala's Team                                       92          5:50:31                            92 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    94(9)    85(8)    34(3)    51(5)    82(8)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F 
                 28:55    38:44  1:19:57  1:34:19  1:47:22  2:08:42  2:35:46  3:13:44  3:25:49  4:02:31  4:19:18  4:54:25  5:14:47  5:39:05     0.00  5:50:31 
                 28:55     9:49    41:13    14:22    13:03    21:20    27:04    37:58    12:05    36:42    16:47    35:07    20:22    24:18             11:26 
      2      773 Prat Sara / Vilaredes Jordi                                    COB de Falç                                        92          5:50:34                            92 
                 67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    94(9)    85(8)    34(3)    51(5)    82(8)    71(7)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F 
                 20:27    26:10    58:04  1:08:20  1:26:37  1:55:45  2:39:35  2:52:54  3:16:42  3:32:39  4:09:08  4:31:56  4:46:42  5:38:58     0.00  5:50:34 
                 20:27     5:43    31:54    10:16    18:17    29:08    43:50    13:19    23:48    15:57    36:29    22:48    14:46    52:16             11:36 
      3      803 Nonell Jordi / Serrano Beatriz                                 Diedre Moià                                        92          6:03:00           -5               87 
                 67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    34(3)    94(9)    85(8)    51(5)    82(8)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F          
                 22:04    30:11  1:03:38  1:15:35  1:36:32  2:04:32  2:38:29  3:04:16  3:12:49  3:49:33  4:15:47  5:31:08  5:47:16     0.00  6:03:00          
                 22:04     8:07    33:27    11:57    20:57    28:00    33:57    25:47     8:33    36:44    26:14  1:15:21    16:08             15:44          
      4      601 Ballabriga Sandra / Aguilera Edgar                             Fans de la Mònica                                  84          5:55:00                            84 
                 63(6)    92(9)    54(5)    55(5)    83(8)    91(9)    32(3)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F 
                 29:02    49:24  1:12:50  1:34:48  2:06:02  2:26:52  2:54:56  3:39:04  4:03:09  4:23:57  4:39:20  4:57:23  5:28:06  5:44:22     0.00  5:55:00 
                 29:02    20:22    23:26    21:58    31:14    20:50    28:04    44:08    24:05    20:48    15:23    18:03    30:43    16:16             10:38 
      5      843 Bonmatí Ester / Catllà Ivan                                    UE VIC- Aligots                                    87          6:01:53           -5               82 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    64(6)    73(7)    42(4)    94(9)    85(8)    34(3)    51(5)    82(8)    71(7)    72(7)        F          
                 24:23    35:06    41:39  1:20:48  1:38:50  1:52:59  2:37:58  3:23:28  3:36:16  4:08:53  4:27:52  5:03:41  5:24:48     0.00  6:01:53          
                 24:23    10:43     6:33    39:09    18:02    14:09    44:59    45:30    12:48    32:37    18:59    35:49    21:07             37:05          
      6      704 Pons Enric / Rovirosa Núria                                    RDK Extrem                                         81          5:33:33                            81 
                 33(3)    63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    55(5)    53(5)    52(5)    72(7)        F          
                 14:53    35:48    51:47  1:09:09  1:21:21  1:47:32  2:01:51  2:22:58  2:43:33  3:17:21  3:54:35  4:43:24  5:09:34     0.00  5:33:33          
                 14:53    20:55    15:59    17:22    12:12    26:11    14:19    21:07    20:35    33:48    37:14    48:49    26:10             23:59          
      7      841 Blanchar Andreu / Collado Txell                                Farra on time                                      81          5:47:46                            81 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    43(4)    81(8)    44(4)    55(5)    74(7)    91(9)    83(8)    62(6)    54(5)    72(7)        F                   
                 23:38    42:38    59:55  1:11:28  1:24:29  1:35:44  2:11:10  2:30:01  3:11:35  3:31:17  3:56:41  4:42:17     0.00  5:47:46                   
                 23:38    19:00    17:17    11:33    13:01    11:15    35:26    18:51    41:34    19:42    25:24    45:36           1:05:29                   
      8      775 Ros Laura / Redondo Salvador                                   tumateix                                           77          5:55:44                            77 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    92(9)    72(7)        F                            
                 21:34    35:17    42:41  1:19:39  1:34:59  1:50:17  2:17:03  2:59:27  3:49:49  4:35:40  5:19:54     0.00  5:55:44                            
                 21:34    13:43     7:24    36:58    15:20    15:18    26:46    42:24    50:22    45:51    44:14             35:50                            
      9      668 Rodríguez Daniel / Herrero Ana                                 Xino astur                                         77          5:56:28                            77 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    51(5)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    72(7)        F               *93 
                 20:05    32:47    46:15  1:21:52  1:37:06  1:50:52  2:12:38  3:02:26  3:25:58  3:57:30  4:33:47  5:13:09     0.00  5:56:28           1:37:12 
                 20:05    12:42    13:28    35:37    15:14    13:46    21:46    49:48    23:32    31:32    36:17    39:22             43:19                   
     10      644 Oliveres Xavier                                                Apocapoc                                           77          6:03:37           -5               72 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    71(7)    82(8)    64(6)    73(7)    93(9)    56(5)    72(7)        F                            
                 38:03  1:03:00  1:27:34  1:43:11  2:33:15  3:01:01  3:26:17  3:49:09  4:03:11  4:29:41  5:25:50     0.00  6:03:37                            
                 38:03    24:57    24:34    15:37    50:04    27:46    25:16    22:52    14:02    26:30    56:09             37:47                            
     11      643 Izquierdo Cecilia                                              Apocapoc                                           77          6:03:38           -5               72 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    71(7)    82(8)    64(6)    73(7)    93(9)    56(5)    72(7)        F                            
                 38:06  1:03:01  1:27:37  1:43:13  2:33:11  3:01:02  3:26:20  3:49:10  4:03:13  4:29:44  5:25:53     0.00  6:03:38                            
                 38:06    24:55    24:36    15:36    49:58    27:51    25:18    22:50    14:03    26:31    56:09             37:45                            
     12      768 Curriu Pau / Badia Txell                                       FC Pedroxitos                                      71          5:35:09                            71 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    63(6)    72(7)        F               *56      *93          
                 26:17    33:09  1:13:56  1:29:59  1:43:45  2:06:10  2:45:04  3:25:25  4:12:48  4:47:28     0.00  5:35:09             33:09  1:29:59          
                 26:17     6:52    40:47    16:03    13:46    22:25    38:54    40:21    47:23    34:40             47:41                                     
     13      778 Bellart Migdalia                                               Cacaolat                                           68          5:49:22                            68 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    44(4)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    56(5)    67(6)    72(7)        F                   
                 34:12  1:00:11  1:22:55  1:40:07  2:05:57  2:48:09  3:23:52  3:57:59  4:33:51  4:44:46  5:14:03  5:23:26     0.00  5:49:22                   
                 34:12    25:59    22:44    17:12    25:50    42:12    35:43    34:07    35:52    10:55    29:17     9:23             25:56                   
     14      721 Bonfill Teresa / Fitó David                                    No perdem el nord                                  68          5:50:26                            68 
                 33(3)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)    43(4)    81(8)    44(4)    55(5)    54(5)    31(3)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F                   
                 27:08    49:07  1:01:01  1:49:33  2:31:05  2:52:13  3:09:30  3:41:46  4:04:42  4:25:07  4:46:22  5:14:45     0.00  5:50:26                   
                 27:08    21:59    11:54    48:32    41:32    21:08    17:17    32:16    22:56    20:25    21:15    28:23             35:41                   
     15      762 Guillot Jaume / Fernandez Jordi / Casamayor Ignasi / Salvador  Natura i Aventura                                  68          5:58:28                            68 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    72(7)        F                                     
                 22:51    40:48  1:00:02  1:11:34  1:32:13  1:48:40  2:04:04  2:29:33  2:53:23  4:11:38     0.00  5:58:28                                     
                 22:51    17:57    19:14    11:32    20:39    16:27    15:24    25:29    23:50  1:18:15           1:46:50                                     
     16      627 García Aitor / Navarro Neysa                                   Los Merlines                                       67          5:47:49                            67 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    48(4)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                     
                 46:02    58:45  1:55:41  2:14:13  2:30:27  2:57:15  3:43:37  4:24:14  4:45:01  5:27:04     0.00  5:47:49                                     
                 46:02    12:43    56:56    18:32    16:14    26:48    46:22    40:37    20:47    42:03             20:45                                     
     17      739 Arumí Xevi / Sitjà Núria                                       Rogainers UEVic                                    86          6:12:00          -20               66 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    43(4)    81(8)    44(4)    55(5)    74(7)    91(9)    83(8)    62(6)    54(5)    53(5)    72(7)        F          
                 23:55    41:09  1:01:46  1:18:09  1:30:51  1:44:16  2:06:50  2:27:10  3:12:44  3:36:58  4:06:27  4:44:52  5:19:40     0.00  6:12:00          
                 23:55    17:14    20:37    16:23    12:42    13:25    22:34    20:20    45:34    24:14    29:29    38:25    34:48             52:20          
     18      801 Jiménez Víctor / Alentà Rut                                    Radikal marriage                                   70          6:01:03           -5               65 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    34(3)    51(5)    82(8)    72(7)        F                            
                 22:13    38:51  1:04:05  1:49:34  2:07:23  2:33:53  2:56:41  3:30:54  4:10:25  4:32:40  5:03:23     0.00  6:01:03                            
                 22:13    16:38    25:14    45:29    17:49    26:30    22:48    34:13    39:31    22:15    30:43             57:40                            
     19      836 Olivares Sílvia / Olivares Xavi                                La Guàrdia                                         63          5:50:13                            63 
                 63(6)    92(9)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    71(7)    93(9)    56(5)    67(6)    72(7)        F                                              
                 29:32    53:09  2:19:54  2:59:57  3:15:25  3:57:33  4:17:17  5:11:48  5:24:57     0.00  5:50:13                                              
                 29:32    23:37  1:26:45    40:03    15:28    42:08    19:44    54:31    13:09             25:16                                              
     20      651 Capdevila Cesc / Abad Agata / De Linares Concepción / Grimalt  Tranki Team                                        59          5:46:10                            59 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    71(7)    52(5)    48(4)    72(7)        F                                              
                 25:23    44:29    59:58  1:52:27  2:13:13  2:40:05  3:15:00  3:38:02  4:48:02     0.00  5:46:10                                              
                 25:23    19:06    15:29    52:29    20:46    26:52    34:55    23:02  1:10:00             58:08                                              
     21      713 Pujolas Pol / Pujol Elisabet / Soler Marta / Ferres Margarita  Els nyerros-O                                      59          5:55:11                            59 
                 67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    71(7)    48(4)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                              
                 38:37  1:05:52  1:59:00  2:17:36  2:46:14  3:29:30  4:09:57  4:27:00  5:38:51     0.00  5:55:11                                              
                 38:37    27:15    53:08    18:36    28:38    43:16    40:27    17:03  1:11:51             16:20                                              
     22      676 Ruiz Sandra / Caparrós Xavier                                  Va de bòlit                                        57          5:55:18                            57 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    52(5)    53(5)    31(3)    43(4)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F                                              
                 29:01    38:32  1:34:39  1:59:56  3:11:16  3:56:51  4:15:51  4:57:05  5:29:05     0.00  5:55:18                                              
                 29:01     9:31    56:07    25:17  1:11:20    45:35    19:00    41:14    32:00             26:13                                              
     23      680 De Feo Ingrid / De Feo Lucas                                   CorPal2011                                         55          5:32:07                            55 
                 67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    71(7)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 34:44    44:36  1:38:42  2:11:03  2:38:38  3:38:46  4:00:43  5:07:03     0.00  5:32:07                                                       
                 34:44     9:52    54:06    32:21    27:35  1:00:08    21:57  1:06:20             25:04                                                       
     24      730 Costa Carles / Triadú Anna / Marcè David                       Embarcats                                          53          5:28:09                            53 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    71(7)    56(5)    67(6)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 44:52  1:18:37  1:46:09  2:11:31  2:59:31  3:31:47  4:14:38  4:32:22     0.00  5:28:09                                                       
                 44:52    33:45    27:32    25:22    48:00    32:16    42:51    17:44             55:47                                                       
     25      770 Mata Albert / Tantull Anna / Guiu Anna                         Amazing                                            48          6:04:33           -5               43 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    64(6)    52(5)    72(7)        F               *93                                              
                 38:22  1:03:58  1:17:24  2:47:10  3:13:07  3:47:16  4:56:00     0.00  6:04:33           3:13:17                                              
                 38:22    25:36    13:26  1:29:46    25:57    34:09  1:08:44           1:08:33                                                                
     26      795 Boto María / Damià Eva / Palà Jordi / Ramos Carolina           Happy Birthday                                     42          5:52:52                            42 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    71(7)    52(5)    72(7)        F                                                                         
                 32:43  1:02:08  1:18:26  2:52:01  3:40:13  4:10:39     0.00  5:52:52                                                                         
                 32:43    29:25    16:18  1:33:35    48:12    30:26           1:42:13                                                                         
     27      743 Mestres Xavier / Ballester Maria Rosa                          Buscant la fita                                    42          6:04:15           -5               37 
                 33(3)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)    31(3)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F                                                                
                 34:24  1:05:16  1:29:40  2:47:06  3:45:45  4:42:45  5:16:54     0.00  6:04:15                                                                
                 34:24    30:52    24:24  1:17:26    58:39    57:00    34:09             47:21                                                                
     28      663 Roca Laia / Roca Josep / Masriera Lali                         Roca i pi                                          53          6:10:28          -20               33 
                 33(3)    52(5)    48(4)    71(7)    64(6)    73(7)    93(9)    56(5)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 26:46  1:42:21  2:06:57  3:15:09  3:46:00  4:20:16  4:44:01  5:40:11     0.00  6:10:28                                                       
                 26:46  1:15:35    24:36  1:08:12    30:51    34:16    23:45    56:10             30:17                                                       
     29      805 Conde Carlos / Bergada Daniel / Fernandez Angela               Suomi                                              29          5:23:55                            29 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    43(4)    72(7)        F                                                                                           
               1:10:56  1:51:04  2:35:57  3:07:27     0.00  5:23:55                                                                                           
               1:10:56    40:08    44:53    31:30           2:16:28                                                                                           
     30      625 Martínez Barbara / Arnó Georgina / Soro Miquel / Pujalte Sergi Bertafocs                                          25          5:32:57                            25 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    72(7)        F                                                                                                    
                 27:10    34:52  1:05:30     0.00  5:32:57                                                                                                    
                 27:10     7:42    30:38           4:27:27                                                                                                    
     31      825 Rubio Ares / Azorín Jordi / Arjona Sara                        Anar-hi nant                                       50          6:20:29          -40               10 
                 33(3)    53(5)    43(4)    81(8)    44(4)    55(5)    54(5)    92(9)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 31:21  1:27:37  2:27:23  3:14:04  3:38:46  4:10:40  4:48:13  5:25:31     0.00  6:20:29                                                       
                 31:21    56:16    59:46    46:41    24:42    31:54    37:33    37:18             54:58                                                       
     32      619 Sitjà Rosa / Bargues Genis                                     Fiu                                                66          6:31:11          -66                0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    32(3)    44(4)    81(8)        F                                     
                 35:46  1:01:31  1:24:41  1:38:56  2:00:35  2:21:07  2:49:17  3:31:47  3:56:35  4:46:27  5:04:37  6:31:11                                     
                 35:46    25:45    23:10    14:15    21:39    20:32    28:10    42:30    24:48    49:52    18:10  1:26:34                                     
     33      782 Mestre Sònia / Domenech Carles                                 Montjuic SM                                        62          6:32:47          -62                0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    91(9)    83(8)    52(5)    33(3)        F                                     
                 31:23    51:17  1:21:16  1:34:04  1:56:08  2:11:41  2:33:11  3:11:05  3:42:32  5:43:06  6:19:07  6:32:47                                     
                 31:23    19:54    29:59    12:48    22:04    15:33    21:30    37:54    31:27  2:00:34    36:01    13:40                                     
     34      735 Cegarra Núria / Garcia Genís / Pujol Muntsa / Bel Xavier       Agulla de paller                                   51          6:44:21          -51                0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)        F                                                                
                 51:54  1:20:17  1:45:30  2:04:15  2:34:22  3:05:32  3:42:46  4:15:50  6:44:21                                                                
                 51:54    28:23    25:13    18:45    30:07    31:10    37:14    33:04  2:28:31                                                                
     35      820 Torrella Laura / Carrizo sandra                                Los de Molar                                       16                                              0 
                 56(5)    67(6)    52(5)        F                                                                                                             
               2:58:09  3:15:36  4:14:26                                                                                                                      
               2:58:09    17:27    58:50                                                                                                                      

Dones veteranes  (2)                   360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      779 Sabartés Núria / Masats Marta                                  Les Perdudes                                       57          5:39:08                            57 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    52(5)    53(5)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 32:14    45:37  1:50:29  2:19:03  2:50:05  3:19:07  4:16:09  4:56:49     0.00  5:39:08                                                       
                 32:14    13:23  1:04:52    28:34    31:02    29:02    57:02    40:40             42:19                                                       
      2      634 Farre Mercè / Canal Geni / Triquell Reis                       Ponent                                             55          5:38:56                            55 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    52(5)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 34:59    44:44  1:59:22  2:20:42  2:42:40  3:09:18  4:06:08  5:15:13     0.00  5:38:56                                                       
                 34:59     9:45  1:14:38    21:20    21:58    26:38    56:50  1:09:05             23:43                                                       

Homes veterans  (11)                   360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      678 De Santiago Lluís / Olivera Xavier                             Running Valles                                    101          5:55:55                           101 
                 63(6)    92(9)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    67(6) 
                 22:27    38:54    59:02  1:12:05  1:25:18  1:46:45  2:07:18  2:40:53  3:19:05  3:36:17  3:52:54  4:04:40  4:19:36  4:55:48  5:06:19  5:33:47 
                 22:27    16:27    20:08    13:03    13:13    21:27    20:33    33:35    38:12    17:12    16:37    11:46    14:56    36:12    10:31    27:28 
                 72(7)        F                                                                                                                               
                  0.00  5:55:55                                                                                                                               
      2      755 Lladó Joan / Montserrat Martí                                  Bicicorriols                                       89          5:59:17                            89 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    72(7)        F 
                 17:16    34:47    52:40  1:04:53  1:20:26  1:40:26  1:55:08  2:16:49  2:36:43  3:21:11  4:17:59  4:40:44  5:01:01  5:27:50     0.00  5:59:17 
                 17:16    17:31    17:53    12:13    15:33    20:00    14:42    21:41    19:54    44:28    56:48    22:45    20:17    26:49             31:27 
                            *91      *81                                                                                                                      
                        2:36:44  4:40:45                                                                                                                      
      3      828 Cartanyà Joan / Ferré Marcel                                   Llop Aventura                                      84          5:56:00                            84 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    42(4)    85(8)    94(9)    51(5)    82(8)    72(7)        F                   
                 17:14    28:10    33:14  1:23:00  1:34:42  1:45:41  2:11:12  2:47:55  3:36:23  3:46:10  4:30:14  5:03:49     0.00  5:56:00                   
                 17:14    10:56     5:04    49:46    11:42    10:59    25:31    36:43    48:28     9:47    44:04    33:35             52:11                   
      4      718 Pascual Marcos / Ferrer Roger / Guash Jordi                    Costa amunt                                        75          5:21:41                            75 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    72(7)        F          
                 26:58    44:49  1:02:02  1:12:00  1:40:54  2:00:10  2:28:38  2:49:13  3:20:38  3:59:31  4:24:34  4:39:14  4:49:36     0.00  5:21:41          
                 26:58    17:51    17:13     9:58    28:54    19:16    28:28    20:35    31:25    38:53    25:03    14:40    10:22             32:05          
      5      614 Arumí Pep / Gili Felip                                         The Wild Boars                                     79          6:06:57          -10               69 
                 33(3)    63(6)    92(9)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    56(5)    67(6)    72(7)        F               *56 
                 29:34  1:09:44  1:36:20  2:19:46  2:57:25  3:12:29  3:36:59  3:55:33  4:11:07  4:33:59  5:27:56  5:40:37     0.00  6:06:57           5:27:56 
                 29:34    40:10    26:36    43:26    37:39    15:04    24:30    18:34    15:34    22:52    53:57    12:41             26:20                   
      6      702 Escolà Oriol / Fernández Sergi                                 Pim Pam Toma Laksitus                              68          5:50:17                            68 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    82(8)    52(5)    53(5)    72(7)        F                                     
                 21:45    32:31  1:11:20  1:49:47  2:07:37  2:46:49  3:08:43  3:45:51  4:22:54  5:00:40     0.00  5:50:17                                     
                 21:45    10:46    38:49    38:27    17:50    39:12    21:54    37:08    37:03    37:46             49:37                                     
      7      621 Palau Josep / Ginesta Arcadi                                   Barcelona Connection                               64          5:50:21                            64 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                     
                 24:49    43:13  1:07:02  1:19:02  1:39:15  1:54:01  2:17:51  2:48:55  3:13:09  5:29:58     0.00  5:50:21                                     
                 24:49    18:24    23:49    12:00    20:13    14:46    23:50    31:04    24:14  2:16:49             20:23                                     
      8      709 Roca Manel / Tomas Jaume / Costa Jaume                         Corredors.cat                                      61          5:53:54                            61 
                 63(6)    92(9)    54(5)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    31(3)    53(5)    52(5)    72(7)        F                *0       *0       *0 
                 39:00  1:05:53  1:36:28  2:07:00  2:36:36  3:22:35  3:50:47  4:11:58  4:36:47  5:17:02     0.00  5:53:54                                     
                 39:00    26:53    30:35    30:32    29:36    45:59    28:12    21:11    24:49    40:15             36:52                                     
                    *0       *0       *0       *0       *0       *0       *0       *0                                                                         
      9      724 Purull Marcel / Masferrer Ricard                               L'eskamot préssec                                  58          6:01:39           -5               53 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    73(7)    42(4)    85(8)    94(9)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 20:42    34:31    56:10  1:37:02  1:57:57  2:48:37  3:52:43  4:03:58     0.00  6:01:39                                                       
                 20:42    13:49    21:39    40:52    20:55    50:40  1:04:06    11:15           1:57:41                                                       
     10      674 Serrallonga Xavier / Serrallonga Lluís                         Bandolers                                          68          6:20:23          -40               28 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    72(7)        F                                     
                 37:25    58:08  1:18:07  1:33:03  1:54:21  2:12:55  2:32:15  3:03:28  3:33:10  4:14:05     0.00  6:20:23                                     
                 37:25    20:43    19:59    14:56    21:18    18:34    19:20    31:13    29:42    40:55           2:06:18                                     
     11      789 Mata Diego / Santin Juanma                                     Cube & K2                                          47          6:31:19          -47                0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    54(5)    31(3)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    67(6)        F                                                       
                 34:03  1:04:15  1:52:31  2:12:34  2:30:38  3:20:30  4:00:50  4:27:14  5:15:40  6:31:19                                                       
                 34:03    30:12    48:16    20:03    18:04    49:52    40:20    26:24    48:26  1:15:39                                                       

Mixtes veterans  (5)                   360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      749 Martínez Mireia / Daví Albert                                  Pocapoc                                            76          5:49:23                            76 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    55(5)    44(4)    81(8)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    56(5)    67(6)    72(7)        F          
                 27:35    50:54  1:12:30  1:26:19  1:45:28  2:03:16  2:24:49  2:49:31  3:57:56  4:33:48  4:44:43  5:13:57  5:23:20     0.00  5:49:23          
                 27:35    23:19    21:36    13:49    19:09    17:48    21:33    24:42  1:08:25    35:52    10:55    29:14     9:23             26:03          
      2      747 Gargallo Carmen / Faraldos Luismi                              Pisapraos                                          76          5:50:25                            76 
                 67(6)    56(5)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)    31(3)    43(4)    81(8)    44(4)    55(5)    54(5)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F          
                 35:24    43:03  1:37:33  1:50:36  2:30:15  3:12:03  3:36:51  3:54:06  4:07:29  4:34:30  4:52:47  5:13:42  5:30:46     0.00  5:50:25          
                 35:24     7:39    54:30    13:03    39:39    41:48    24:48    17:15    13:23    27:01    18:17    20:55    17:04             19:39          
      3      741 Folch Francesc / Aldehuelo Glòria                              Seguiu sense nosaltres                             69          5:51:03                            69 
                 33(3)    53(5)    31(3)    92(9)    63(6)    52(5)    48(4)    71(7)    64(6)    93(9)    56(5)    72(7)        F                            
                 33:16  1:00:32  1:29:17  1:50:29  2:14:06  3:03:43  3:18:47  3:55:08  4:15:52  4:38:59  5:19:43     0.00  5:51:03                            
                 33:16    27:16    28:45    21:12    23:37    49:37    15:04    36:21    20:44    23:07    40:44             31:20                            
      4      603 Perez Ignasi / Juarez Marisa                                   Can Laus Aligots                                   63          6:01:42           -5               58 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    54(5)    62(6)    32(3)    83(8)    91(9)    74(7)    72(7)        F                                              
                 29:17    55:34  1:16:27  1:29:16  1:58:48  2:18:05  2:42:18  3:07:40  4:12:17     0.00  6:01:42                                              
                 29:17    26:17    20:53    12:49    29:32    19:17    24:13    25:22  1:04:37           1:49:25                                              
      5      684 Vidaller José / Palacín Mar                                    Lost Peña Guara                                    46          5:34:16                            46 
                 33(3)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)    43(4)    31(3)    92(9)    63(6)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 24:54  1:05:44  1:22:11  2:31:12  3:22:20  3:44:30  4:12:52  4:43:49     0.00  5:34:16                                                       
                 24:54    40:50    16:27  1:09:01    51:08    22:10    28:22    30:57             50:27                                                       

Júniors  (3)                           360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      822 Vidal Maria / Sendra Joan                                      Vulpes Vulpes                                      52          5:42:07                            52 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    73(7)    64(6)    52(5)    72(7)        F                                                                
                 31:50    45:56  1:56:46  2:18:52  2:50:59  4:05:31  5:03:55     0.00  5:42:07                                                                
                 31:50    14:06  1:10:50    22:06    32:07  1:14:32    58:24             38:12                                                                
      2      813 Segura Octavio / Fornos Bernat                                 Mustela Nivalis                                    40                                              0 
                 67(6)    56(5)    71(7)    93(9)    64(6)    73(7)        F               *64                                                                
                 28:43    42:17  1:41:53  2:10:07  3:21:52  4:34:33                    3:23:27                                                                
                 28:43    13:34    59:36    28:14  1:11:45  1:12:41                                                                                           
      2      816 Galés Andrea / Vilardaga Eduard                                Natrix Maura                                       22                                              0 
                 63(6)    92(9)    72(7)        F                                                                                                             
               2:46:39  3:24:11     0.00                                                                                                                      
               2:46:39    37:32                                                                                                                               

Júnior-Veterà  (2)                     360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      759 Diaz Kevin / Diaz Pedro / Pont Emma                            Cafeteria Team                                     49          5:38:29                            49 
                 62(6)    72(7)    85(8)    33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    48(4)    52(5)    53(5)        F               *61      *63      *65      *70      *69 
                 -----  3:41:47  5:26:30    29:58  1:10:55  1:25:41  3:44:18  3:58:57  4:50:45  5:38:29                      11:01    55:00  1:45:25  2:19:19 
                        3:41:47  1:44:43             40:57    14:46  2:18:37    14:39    51:48    47:44                                                       
                   *68      *71      *73      *82      *83      *84      *86      *87      *89     *100     *101     *102     *103                            
               2:51:12  3:02:21  3:47:02  4:18:48  4:45:45  5:14:05  5:27:11  5:40:59  5:59:24  6:27:35  6:36:10  6:39:46  6:41:27                            
      2      751 Carrillo Manel / Medarde Manel / Medarde Inma / Basart David   Carrillín Team                                     46          5:34:35                            46 
                 63(6)    92(9)    31(3)    43(4)    53(5)    52(5)    48(4)    33(3)    72(7)        F                                                       
                 36:05  1:09:31  1:45:22  2:09:14  2:58:13  3:51:51  4:24:16  4:57:35     0.00  5:34:35                                                       
                 36:05    33:26    35:51    23:52    48:59    53:38    32:25    33:19             37:00                                                       

Superveterans  (3)                     360:00 min  30 C  178 Pts                                                

      1      641 Lladó Carles / Gri Teresa                                      Quin Valor!                                        41          5:23:37                            41 
                 33(3)    67(6)    56(5)    93(9)    71(7)    48(4)    72(7)        F                                                                         
                 31:54  1:03:15  1:15:30  2:52:27  3:37:14  4:11:31     0.00  5:23:37                                                                         
                 31:54    31:21    12:15  1:36:57    44:47    34:17           1:12:06                                                                         
      2      862 Aguilera  / Aguilera Paco                                      Aguilera                                           17          5:39:02                            17 
                 52(5)    53(5)    72(7)        F                                                                                                             
               1:59:27  4:12:43     0.00  5:39:02                                                                                                             
               1:59:27  2:13:16           1:26:19                                                                                                             
      3      864 Viladomiu Lluïsa / Viladomiu Pepa                              Pepa                                               18                                              0 
                 42(4)    94(9)    53(5)        F                                                                                                             
               1:07:07  1:49:27  5:06:14                                                                                                                      
               1:07:07    42:20  3:16:47